Total Vision El Cajon

Our Eye Care Practice
in El Cajon

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A Dedicated, Experienced Team in Your Neighborhood

Our practice has been serving the gorgeous community of El Cajon for over 12 years, and we love being part of a city with such a rich and honored heritage. Experience and history are essential, and our optometrists can attest to this! 

You can trust us to provide your family with consistent, experienced service and personalized care. We dedicate ourselves to total vision care every day, performing eye exams and screenings with state-of-the-art diagnostic technology in a family-focused atmosphere.

We want to provide your loved ones with the best vision care available and take a proactive approach to all vision concerns. Your family’s eye care is in great hands at Total Vision El Cajon.

Book an appointment with an eye doctor in El Cajon today!

Our Practice Supporting Image

Our Doctors

Eye doctor, Dr. Sherry Deaner, in El Cajon

Sherry Deaner


Come See What We’re About

Book Your Appointment

We are located between 1st Street and S. Anza, next to Manolo Farmers Market.

  • 1093 E. Main Street
  • El Cajon, California 92021

Hours of Operation

9:00 AM 5:30 PM
9:00 AM 5:30 PM
9:00 AM 5:30 PM
9:00 AM 5:30 PM
9:00 AM 5:30 PM

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